Building a Proposed Mobile Learning Prototype for Egyptian Higher Education

نوع المستند : • البحوث والدراسات والمقالات المستوفاة للقواعد العلمیة المتعارف علیها، والتى یجریها أو یشارک فى إجرائها أعضاء هیئة التدریس والباحثون فى الجامعات ومراکز البحوث المصریة والعربیة، وذلک باللغتین العربیة والإنجلیزیة .


Sadat Academy for Management Sciences


Mobile devices could facilitate human interaction and access to knowledge resources anytime and anywhere. Accordingly, this will change human–computer interaction, communication, and learning activities. So, computing devices have become common place on today’s college campuses in the Egyptian higher education. From notebook computers to wireless phones and mobile devices, the massive infusion of computing devices and rapidly improved Internet capabilities have the power to alter the nature of higher education. Consequently, mlearning is to enhance collaboration sharing among learners. Teaching and learning processes are concerned with the creation and ongoing development of skills within a group of learners. Furthermore, M-learning is to be developed as a way to ensure that learnings reaches the right learner at the right time.
So, the ability to support students/learners to learn on the move at any place and at any time is a new task to be addressed by using the mobile devices of the learners. Mobile technology support has given birth to the concept of mobile learning possessing a wide spectrum of applications and new teaching and learning techniques. This paper discusses a study conducted for undergraduate students on the effect of mobile technology usage in a learning process. The results here indicate acceptance of the mobile devices into the learning process with a well appreciated enthusiasm from the learners.

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